Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Cacophony of Praise

My husband’s sister and her husband were in ‘the adoption process’ when I met them three and a half years ago. This adoption process finally drew to a close two weeks ago.

Most of those three and a half years were spent in the chaotic flurry of paperwork and government red tape that is only fully appreciated by those who have adopted a baby from another country, but the last ten months have been a bit—and I say a bit—more understandable for the rest of us who watch and pray from the sidelines.

Ten months ago my husband’s sister and her husband had a baby boy in Ethiopia referred to them. Or they were referred to him. Now I’m not sure on the terminology. In any case, suddenly last October, we had the face and name of a baby to color our prayers.

Two weeks ago, my sister- and brother-in-law finally brought this baby home.

A great deal of prayer has been directed from my lips and heart toward God on their behalf throughout this process, and I was eager, oh so eager, to finally meet this baby and see the fruition of so many prayers.

My husband and I were finally able to meet this little boy (for he’s no longer really a baby—he walks, runs, and smiles a beautiful eight-tooth smile) this past weekend.

We drove to my husband’s parents’ house for our annual family gathering. My husband’s three siblings and their spouses all congregate and we enjoy a weekend of family and fun.

This was the first year with a third generation present at this particular family gathering and it was a welcomed change for all involved.

Our family’s dynamics are changing, and with each change and passing year, we see God gently leading, guiding, and loving our family.

We chose to forego church on Sunday morning in favor of a family worship time. My husband was in charge of picking and leading music, and one of the songs he picked was the familiar hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”.

I closed my eyes as we lifted up the refrain to our Heavenly Father, while my newly adopted little nephew added his own vocal interjections (and that boy has some lungs on him).

Three and a half years is a long time. Ten months is longer still when there is a specific child waiting for his parents, but in that moment God’s faithfulness to me, to our family, crystallized for an instant from a misty promise into a glitteringly beautiful truth.

Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness;
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed thy hand hath provided—
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post, Hill. You always word things so well!
