Monday, June 18, 2012

A Break in the Busy

Run, run, run, run. Busybusybusybusy.

No matter how busy I really am, I tend to live my life as though the two above sentiments were needed. I don’t always like to see this in myself, but I do more often than not.

And I know that’s exactly why, on Friday night, when I found myself sitting on a blanket in the park, I felt so very refreshed. Not to mention that random family members from my mom’s family had convened in my little Iowa town for the evening. I love family. Have I mentioned that before? I do.

So, there we sat, in the park, listening to a string of singers belt out tunes in a white band shell. My aunt, uncle, other uncle, cousin, husband and I were sitting in the very back of the audience. Most of the heads in front of me were covered in either white or gray hair.

I don’t know if it was the gentle breeze blowing through the trees, the fact that I was just being instead of doing, or the man in front of me scratching through his hair with a plastic fork, but I was so happy.

So restful, so happy.

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