Monday, November 19, 2012

After Moz: The Big Picture (But it's really not that detailed so don't get excited.)

This is kind of like getting on the phone with a friend for the first time in months. I experience this quite regularly. I have a few very good friends from high school or college that I try to keep in touch with. Unfortunately, I am not a very good phone friend. I’m busy, they’re busy. And, well, we just don’t talk as much as we would like. So, when we get on the phone for the first time in three months, we always have a stutter of awkward uneasiness. What in the world should I ask this person about? And what should I tell them?

What should I tell you?

Not too much has changed yet as a result of our trip. (If you want a recap of our trip, check out our blog from our time in Mozambique.) Our perspective is a little wider. I’m perhaps a little more content with what I have. I’m also perhaps a little more easily irritated by petty complaints I hear.

One of my biggest prayer requests going into this trip was that Mark would come away from our time in Mozambique with a greater sense of calling in his life and career. He’s kind of floundered since college, not sure what he wants to do, not sure what he likes to do, not sure what God’s calling him to do.

While we were in Moz, Mark spent a lot of time in a recording studio helping record and edit a variety of pieces of music and the gospel of Mark in the Chuwabo language. He absolutely loved working in the studio. So, since we’ve been home, he’s begun to look for ways that he can begin working in a recording studio. Does he need additional schooling? If so, what kind? If not, what else can he do to gain experience in the recording industry? How can he build connections and get to know people already working in the recording industry? These are all questions he’s been asking himself.

And, though we haven’t made any major changes yet, I can feel that changes are coming. It’s exciting to see Mark excited. And it’s exciting to wonder what kinds of changes are coming down the pipe toward us.

That’s where we are in the ‘big picture,’ right now. Adoption is still looming (hopefully) near on the horizon. Other changes are looming as well, that I’m not quite ready to share here yet. But, as I say, it’s exciting.

OK. ‘Big Picture’ blog done. Maybe next time I’ll write about my newest granola recipe.


  1. I like your kind of awkward re-start posts. They sound much more graceful than my "trying to ignore that I haven't posted for however many days and then pretend nothing happened" posts that usually come out. Missing you two. Can't wait until Christmas!

    1. I can't wait until Christmas either! I'm so excited to see a certain little someone I love and also so excited to meet another little someone! And of course I'm excited to spend time with you too!
